dancing cat

The opposite is true if you're drawing a character where the light source is coming from behind, you put lights down first then block in the darks around the contour of the character.
Keep the general shape of each part of the character's body, and the light source in mind at all times. Erase the dark layer where you want the light to hit, the light layer will show underneath. I know this is basic knowledge but after drawing digitally for over a decade, you eventually lose sight of fundamentals, so it's good to return to your roots and practice things such as this.

Why yes, i DO enjoy carrying a waffle iron in my backpack at all times so i can listen to music! Jokes aside, Here's the first in the collection. I'm starting off with the original NES Mega Man OST because well, it's the first game, why wouldn't I? Each CD will have its own unique artwork. First is just regular Mega Man because there's really nothing special going on in this game. Next i have just the helmet planned as a reference to the ending of Mega Man 2, then the 3rd CD will have protoman on it, since he's a boss in that one.
Hopefully I can finish this pet project soon and Have all the soundtracks up to Mega Man 10 on CD!
Renovations are complete! Thank you to everyone who waited patiently for this update. I apologize for the long wait, hope you guys like the new look. This layout should be easier on the eyes as well.
I'll update things as time goes on, For now the home page should be mostly stable.